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Our Priscella Giant Hair Bow is made in double-lined shiny satin, with a net-lining to keep the bow in perfect shape.
A strong hair grip simply clips to your hair to keep the bow in place.
I just received my Miss Innocent Sissy Maid Uniform with matching panties and suspender. It is my first order, and I am so delighted with it. It is...
UNBELIEVABLE! This beautifully made highly humiliating Mammie DOLL DRESS instantly transforms you into a living CINDY DOLL. Request your dress to be...
W Swales
These garments are absolutely stunning! They exceed my expectations: they are larger than life!! They somehow do even more than it says on the tin!!...
Miss Siobhan Long
I received your package. As usual, I am delighted by the ordered objects. They are any magnificent, thank you.
Dominique Sauzéa
Received my first order from you, I had my doubts about the quality of your garments, but on receiving my order I am very impressed with the quality...