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Our Priscella Giant Hair Bow is made in double-lined shiny satin, with a net-lining to keep the bow in perfect shape.
A strong hair grip simply clips to your hair to keep the bow in place.
CAPTIVATING! The control muzzle is fitted with a foam insert that completely seals the mouth and muffles all sounds as the jaw is forced closed so...
W Swales
Absolutely the most comfortable panties ever
These garments are absolutely stunning! They exceed my expectations: they are larger than life!! They somehow do even more than it says on the tin!!...
Miss Siobhan Long
Received my 20th and 21st items from you. All was perfect. The Pure PVC Panties with the 6\" crotch and high waist make a big difference in feel. For...
I was so excited to see my Jeyna Party Skirt arrive in the mail. I tried it on right away and it was a perfect fit and beautifully made as always....